UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 Subject Wise Analysis, Difficulty Level Shift 1 Shift 2

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UPSSSC Pet Exam 2021: Pet Exam for various Post under UPSSSC has been conducted on 24th August 2021. Out of 2M candidates only 75 percent appeared for the exam. While talking to students, they told that exam was of moderate level. Some question of GS were really very difficult.

So Here we have given subject Wise detailed Upsssc pet exam analysis along with expected cut off and Recently post exams after PET qualification.

About The Exam

Exam  PET Exam 2021
Organisation  UPSSSC
Total Marks  100
Time  2 Hours 
Negative Marking  0.25 Marks 
Answer Key  Click Here 
Expected Cut Off Check Here 

Pet Exam Official Answer Key Check 

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UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 subject wise Analysis

Geography  5 Marks 
History  5 + 5 Marks 
Polity  5 Marks 
Economics  5 Marks 
General Awareness  10 Marks 
Current Affairs  10 Marks 
Maths  5 Marks 
Reasoning  5 Marks 
Data Interpretation  10 Marks 
Hindi  10+5 Marks 
Science  5 Marks 
English  5 Marks

Shift 1 Paper Analysis

Every shift paper were having same weightage as per the syllabus. General Study questions constitute 50 percent of the question paper and rest 50 percent was Hindi, English, math’s and reasoning.

Lets discuss these subjects deeply and analyze which part of the paper was scoring and which was challenging.


There were total 5 questions were asked from Geography and all 5 were of factual based. Level of questions was simple and students were having best chance to score 5 out of 5 in Geography.


Total 5 questions and all 5 were moderate in level. Only 1 question which was of difficult level in which List of the subjects were asked. someone could have scored 4 out 5 easily.


Economics is not so much popular among students preparing for PET Exam. Level of question was easy to moderate with one question of difficult level. Students could have scored 3 right answers out of 5 questions.


As expected history was scoring subject with all questions fact based. No tricky questions were asked and gave a fair chance for the students to score full marks. this portion was of 10 marks and 5 questions were asked from national movements. Rest 5 were general history about kings, dates, books and slogans.

General Awareness

This part constitute major part of the exam with 10 percent weightage. Questions were about awards, organizations, important days, languages, festivals, planets. If we look at the level of questions then we find that overall this portion was quite easy and student could easily score 8 marks out of 10.

Current Affairs

This portion also include 10 percent questions of the exam. Perhaps student focus mainly on this part. But in shift 1 exam, only 2 to 3 questions were from current period and rest were asked from 1 or 2 year later period.

Overall it was most difficult portion of the paper and didn’t gave any chance to students to score even 5 marks out of whole.


Total 5 questions were from Science portion and level of questions was easy. 2 questions were of Physics, 2 were from Chemistry and 1 was of Biology. 10th class level of Science questions were in exam and candidates was having Golden Chance of scoring out of marks.


Math portion was of basic level with no question with any trick. It was a basic calculation to get the answer. Normal questions of average, percentage were asked.


Math and reasoning questions were of same level. Even candidate with no practice of reasoning could have score out of marks in exam. few questions were really very easy and some questions even didn’t need a pen to solve. Overall reasoning was very simple and anybody could have score out of marks.

Data Interpretation

This portion was having most weightage of the exam. It consist of 20 percent of the Paper. Questions were asked from two given table and 2 graphs. Around 6 questions could be directly answered from the table or graph. But 4 to 5 questions need simple average and percent calculations. Rest were based on Division. Overall this portion was easy to moderate version.

Candidate should have scored 18 correct answer out od 20 questions. Students face some problem due to this section particularly, as it consumed their lots of time and some students didn’t complete the paper on time.


Total 15 questions were asked from this portion. Two long passage were given and out of them, students were asked simple question which was not a big deal. For scoring decent marks in the portion student just need to read the passage carefully as the level was passage was quite high.

Talking about the Hindi grammar, questions were of Antonyms, synonyms, meaning, idioms. These 5 marks were not that easy to grasp as level of question was moderate.


This portion include 5 questions which were based on simple given passage. Someone with little knowledge of language could have easily scored out of marks.

Overall if we talk about the level of exam then you will find that Shift 1 paper was easy and scoring. Later in this article we will compare both shift questions level. Now its time to discuss 2nd shift exam paper sectional wise.

Shift 2 paper analysis


simple questions about the passes, rivers, dams were asked but 1 question was little difficult. overall if we compare this section was of difficult level in comparison to shift 1 section.


Comparing to shift 1, polity paper was easy and simple factual based questions were asked. Simple questions about list, articles were asked.


If we talk about Economics in shift 2nd then, it was of moderate keval with some really challenging questions. Few questions were fact based but in some candidate must have deep knowledge of subject to answer questions.
Overall it was but difficult than Shift 1 economics portion.


There were 10 questions in both shift of history portion. 5 questions were particularly asked from History of National movements and other were about dates, leadership, kings, wars and general governor polices.
Comparing to shift 1, this history section was much of difficult level. 7 out of 10 questions were worthy of scoring.

General Awareness

This portion of shift was chance of scoring marks but quite tougher than Shift 1. Questions were directly based on facts but those were hard to remember.

Dates, organisations, index, state polices, parties and monuments were uncommon questions. Most of the students were able to score only 6 marks out of 10 in this portion.

Current Affairs

Questions on the current were very easy and from asked from past 1 month only. This major section was only easier than Shift 1. Most of the questions were from July 2021 events such as Policies, days, posts, index, rates of policies.


Science portion was almost equal level of easy in both shifts. All questions were of 10th standard. 2 questions were of Physics, 2 of Biology and one questions from Chemistry and level of these questions was basic.

Most of the student scored out of marks in this portion even without preparing it .


Maths was also can walk for shift 2nd student except one questions of successive percentage rates. Rest 4 were based on simple calculations.


One of the easiest part of the paper, seems to be cakewalk for all candidates. Students even didn’t need a pen to solve questions based on mental ability. So this part was worthy of scoring sure shot out of marks.

Data Interpretation

Shift 2nd paper also consist of two graphs, one was line and another was bar graph along with two tables.

7 questions can be answered directly just by looking at the table/graph. Other need some basic calculations of averages and percentages.
So this part was exactly of same difficulty level as shift 1st.


Hindi was having weightage of 15 marks with two unseen passage and 5 marks for Hindi Grammer.

If we talk about the unseen passage one was quite easy but alike shift one another passage in shift 2nd was hard to read and student faced lot of problems in answering questions.

Grammer questions were also not very easy. So if we compare it with shift 1st level, hindi Grammer was really tough.


This portion was also quite scoring in which candidates just need to answer questions based on passage and some easy antonyms and synonyms.

Conclusion after Comparing Shift 1st and Shift 2nd PET Exam?

So above we have subject analyse both shifts PET Exam paper difficult level. After analysing we came to conclusion that some portions of Hindi Grammer, General Awareness, science was tough as well as challenging for the students.

So in future if Normalisations happens , it is most likely that Shift 2nd student will have most benefit as compare to shift 1st.

Popular QNA about PET Exam

When official answer key of PET Exam will Release?

Generally most of the Govt Organization releases there answer key after 1 week. But we have given above accurate answer key, you can check from it.

Official answer key is expected to release around 30 august 2021.

When UPSSC PET Exam Result will declare ?

PET Exam is qualifying exam for various exams. As government has announced that Lekhpal Recruitment application form will Release in October 2021. As Pet Exam is Pre exam for Lekhpal Recruitment so Pet result must be declared soon. Experts told that around Mid September PET Exam Result will be announced.

For how many years PET Exam Score is valid?

PET Exam Score is valid for 1 year. It means that all the exam which are conducted by UPSSSC, you are eligible to that it you qualified pet Exam. After one year you have to again appear for PET Exam.

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